Monday, April 13, 2009

jadeyn's completed nursery

We did it! We finally finished the bedroom. I can't believe it's done with 12 days left until she's due. Jimmy did an amazing job dealing with my "painting perfection-ism". Enjoy the pictures!


  1. You already know I love it! But, I also know it's fun to get comments on your blog! It's beautiful--can't wait to meet the precious little girl that's gonna be here soon!

  2. You did a great job with the room! Last night I was going to write something about you (Marisa) coming 10 days early and so maybe "Baby Jade" would do the same, but obviously now that there are only 9 days left, I'm thinking she is going to take after her daddy. Wasn't Jimmy late, Dana???? Oh, well...her "luxury suite" is ready and waiting :=)

  3. It looks great! So glad you could get all this ready before she arrives!

    Did I tell you we're having a second? I'm due in September. We get to find out what we're having next week.

    Exciting for us, but it sounds like you're next week will be even better! :) Can't wait to see her pictures. Get some good rest this week!!
